What to Know Before You Rent a Dumpster

What is the Appropriate Size?

It is always important to decide the most appropriate size needed before you rent a dumpster. A lot of people make the mistake of ordering the wrong dumpster size. A 20-yard dumpster may not be appropriate for small quantities of trash. Most dumpster rental firms provide a variety of dumpster sizes such as:
10-Yard Dumpsters

Suitable for small remodeling projects or small-sized clean outs. They are designed to carry 10 cubic yards of junk, which is equivalent to about four pickup trucks filled with debris.

15-Yard Dumpsters

Great for medium-sized remodeling construction projects or for medium clean outs. They hold 15 cubic yards which is equivalent to about six pickup trucks filled with debris.

20-Yard Dumpsters

These are great for large-sized remodeling construction projects or for huge clean outs. They hold 20 cubic yards which is equivalent to about eight pickup trucks filled with debris.

30-Yard Dumpsters

Generally used for commercial projects or for huge home construction projects. They carry a weight of 30 cubic yards, which is equivalent to about twelve pickup trucks filled with debris.

40-Yard Dumpsters

Mostly used in commercial or industrial environments, but they are also suitable for home renovation projects. They accommodate a weight of 40 cubic yards, which is equivalent to about sixteen pickup trucks filled with debris.

10 Yard Dumpster
15 Yard Dumpster
20 Yard Dumpster
Sort of Material Cannot Go in a Dumpster | What to Know Before You Rent a Dumpster

Types of Trash is Being Dumped?

The nature of the trash is also an important consideration when renting a dumpster. Many dumpster rental companies do not allow a mixture of different materials. For instance, gravel and fill cannot be mixed with other materials. Furthermore, depending on the nature of the trash, the weight might also be a factor. Heavier materials will be costlier to dump.

What Sort of Material Cannot Go in a Dumpster?

Types of materials that cannot be dumped in landfills such as aerosol cans, ammunition, antifreeze, batteries, fertilizers and pesticides, fluorescent light bulbs, gasoline, household cleaning products, leftover paint products, motor oil, paint cans, propane tanks and radioactive materials. Those materials are hazardous to the environment. Such items are normally collected by some communities and recycled. For example, electronic waste depots collect old mobile phones and computers.

How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Dumpster?

The cost of a dumpster rental varies from one state to another and from one city to another. There are several factors that determine the cost of renting a dumpster such as the price of dumping at the local landfill or transfer station, size of the dumpster required, where you need the dumpster to be delivered to, kind of trash you need dumped, how long you require the dumpster rental, local taxes, and weight of the material being dumped.
Cost to Rent a Dumpster | What to Know Before You Rent a Dumpster

Compare Several Companies

Renting a dumpster may be a huge expense and costs vary from one company to the next, so it is important to do some research and acquire at least two quotations from dumpster rental suppliers. It is smart to ask about extra costs like overage fees, tipping charges, late fees as well as fuel surcharges, in order to make a true comparison.

Schedule Your Dumpster Rental

Once you’ve finished your research, it’s time to schedule your dumpster rental on Rent This Dumpster. Don’t wait, start today and enjoy our reliable and affordable rentals. Simply click the “book now” button, enter your address, confirm the delivery address, choose the dumpster size, fill in the delivery and pick up dates, and proceed to checkout!

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Rent A Dumpster

Rent This Dumpster is a full-service, owner-operated disposal service that specializes in residential and commercial dumpster rentals. We have been in operation since 2002 and provide top quality & professional service at an affordable price. From just one item to multiple loads, we can service all of your disposal needs.
Connect With Us
30 William Hooke Lane Taunton, Ma 02780

Rent a Dumpster from Us!

Are you wondering where to rent a dumpster in Massachusetts, USA? Rent This Dumpster is a disposal service in Massachusetts that offers dumpster rentals for residential and commercial purposes. We have been in service for about 17 years, and we provide high quality, professional service at affordable prices.

Our customers get two complete weeks to fill their containers. This time frame is a huge benefit for homeowners trying to de-clutter their homes around busy schedules; contractors looking to lessen delivery times by cleaning on the move; municipal organizations that require time to sort through large inventories; business owners who wish to renovate while still staying open to clients; and property managers who have a need to rehabilitate a ruined property without foregoing profit potential.

At Rent This Dumpster we sort through your disposed trash and assess every item. Things that can be fixed and resold are donated to charities while recyclable items such as glass, paper and metal are taken to the appropriate treatment plants. By so doing we reduce the burden on landfills while supporting the local community. Driving back and forth to the local dump may require a lot of time and effort, that why dumpster rentals are very handy.

Tips on Where to Rent a Dumpster & How to Get One